Films Directed By Women That Will Change your Life (Maybe)
As we head forward into a future of unlimited media it is becoming increasingly difficult to know what to watch. The newest film in theaters sounds great, but the limited series that came to streaming last month is all anyone will talk about. The collection of films from that director that you’ve been meaning to check out for forever finally came to the Criterion channel, but maybe you aren’t in the right mood for that right now. It’s not only easy to settle into the well worn grooves of the familiar, it can also be comforting.
The problem with those grooves is that if we aren’t careful, the media presented to us, the media that we are familiar with, can all come from the same type of voice. Very often that familiar voice is male. Without trying, we can overlook films made by a great variety of voices and perspectives in assembling either watchlists or best of lists.
The following is exactly what the title describes, films made by women that have changed my perspective on film and will hopefully serve as a guide for you if you notice a lack of female representation in your own film journey. No shame there, friend. There are only great opportunities ahead.