10 Films For Stress Relief
National Stress Awareness Month. Seems kinda silly. Most of us are already extremely aware of our stress. It bombards us all the time, from all directions, and feels inescapable. And often the typical advice for stress-reduction can itself feel stressful. Exercise! (I have neither time, nor energy) Eat healthy! (nutritious food is expensive and food prep takes forever), Reduce caffeine! (okay, I’ll just stop functioning altogether, I guess), Spend time with friends! (again, WHAT TIME?), Take a yoga class! (that’s nice. You paying?)
But if you’re here, you’re probably already carving out time regularly to watch movies, which—when used correctly—can be great stress relievers. Movies can help in a number of ways:
Connection. Feeling like we aren’t alone in our troubles can do so much. Connecting with a character or seeing our struggles laid out in film may ease our woes.
Motivation. Watching a character succeed despite difficult circumstances can help restore our belief in what is possible. Sometimes that’s all we need to take that all-important first step.
Optimism. As a stalwart cynic I’m internally rolling my eyes a bit here, but even I can’t deny it: A positive outlook is vital to success. Belief that good will triumph, that hard work will be rewarded, that love conquers all—without that, it can feel impossible to go on. The right movie can help realign our worldview, reminding us that there is actually good out there.
Laughter. “Laughter is the best medicine.” There’s a reason for the cliché. It’s been thoroughly researched—laughing acts on dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine to promote relaxation and wellbeing, and has health benefits akin to exercise. Some of the surprising effects: better heart health, lower blood pressure, better ability to fight infection, increased pain tolerance, and decreased anxiety, both short- and long-term. (If you’re interested in the details check out this scientific article that lays out laughter’s physiological effects.)
Catharsis. Sometimes feeling bad can actually help us feel good. Tearjerkers or movies that let us go through the full range of emotion can clear out negative feelings that have been piling up inside of us. For stress reduction though, it’s important to choose those that end on a high note!
Ready to de-stress?
Here are ten movies that tick multiple of the above boxes, and which leave me feeling like I was just hugged by a Care Bear, in a bubble bath, while watching funny cat videos, and being told by my professional idol that I’ll get there someday… *Note: Film descriptions may contain spoilers!
Making this list (and especially rewatching these films in preparation) was an absolute joy. And the best part about it is there are many more that I could have included, and, I’m sure, many other films that would fit alongside these that I don’t even know about. We can all use a little less stress and a little more joy, so please, reach out to me and to Movie Friends on Twitter and let us know some of your favorite films for stress relief!
Stay safe and healthy, and Happy National Stress Awareness Month!